Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dear Joe. I want to send you an excerpt (I am not sure that's a word but this says that it is so it is.)
of a conversation I had with my friend. I think you'll enjoy it, it's about you and the whereabouts of your spit. Without further ado:
we were talking about spitting in people's mouths for money...

Keith says:
unless they had gross fayse

Keith says:
like i wouldnt do it with some random person

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

what if they were a cute randome person?

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

like a joe.

Keith says:

yeah ok

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

i would let joe TOTALLY spit in my mouth

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

infact i want that man-

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

just well

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

maybe not

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

no jk

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:


Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:


Keith says:

cuz spitting in someone's mouth is pretty much an unexciting way of making out with someone

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

okay then it's decided. i wouldn't want him to spit in my mouth, but to makeout with me.

Dream maker; said she'd make you mad says:

thanks homie.

Btw; that's probably the MOST fangirlly thing I'll be posting.
So MOST fail.
Pretty obvious, we're talking about spitting in people's mouths.

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